2023-07-03 15:56:00 生活网

无论出于何种原因,一个女性要选择堕胎就表明她处于极大的痛苦中,想要获得解脱。然而,每当一个女性决定做药物流产的时候,她也必须承认这一疾病带来的后果。 做药物流产有一定的可能性可能会造成未来备受折磨的某种症状甚至会危害到自己的性命,特别是当一个女性两次做药物流产的时候。







The Dangers of a Double Chemical Abortion

No matter what the reason may be, when a woman chooses to have an abortion it means that she is in great pain and wants to gain relief. However, when a woman decides to have a chemical abortion, she must also acknowledge the consequences that come with the illness. Chemical abortions have a certain probability of potentially causing some kind of tormenting symptoms in the future, or even putting one’s life at risk, particularly when a woman has gone through it twice.

After conception, chemical abortions don’t completely remove the fetus, but rather kills the host, plugs the cervical canal and expels the residual matter that remains in the uterus. If the residual matter is not completely eliminated, it can injure the walls of the uterus, and may even lead to a perforation of the uterus, known as uterine rupture.

From a medical standpoint, when a woman goes through a double chemical abortion, it can cause a number of damages. It could affect her being able to become pregnant in the future, as well as how she develops during the course of a pregnancy. Chemical abortions can also trigger a reproductive cell cancer such as cervical cancer or ovarian cancer. Perhaps more importantly, doing frequent chemical abortions can cause damages inside the uterus cavity, which could also be the cause of a uterine rupture.

While the right to choose an abortion should rest on the shoulders of the women, depending on her health issues, if a women has gone through it twice she should be extra cautious, as it can have severe consequences. Moreover, before undertaking any kind of abortion, one should familiarise as much as possible with the information associated with it, be aware of the side effects, and take more responsibility with herself.

Finally, although chemical abortions are also a form of abortion, they are also a special form of treatment, and once the decision has been made, it is important to keep it in mind, not to burn bridges and build the future. Above all, regular check-ups and paying an attention to our bodies should be practised, in order to prevent our women from being harmed by this silent disease.



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